Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Blame it on Technology...

It's been too long since I have written anything up here, but the computers I have had access to just aren't working with blogger. It's something weird I am sure I won't understand if it was explained to me, so I will just blame it on technology and get over it.

So, a lot has happened since last post. I have been hanging out with Logan (he is so wonderful, couldn't ever meet anyone as selfless or caring or perfect!). My brothers and sisters are back in school, I attended the "World's Longest Yard Sale" with Logan (a first timer there!), my aunt came to visit, the penguin population at work changed several times, and I got a new phone and went with Verizon. More details, you say? Here goes.
I now have 2 siblings in Elementary, 2 in middle school, and 2 in high school. They like the new year so far, but it's still very early. The yard sale was fun, although all I found was little trinkets from 1980's cartoons, but I was excited. The chaos was cut down from 9 days to only 4 days, but that doesn't mean the crazy people still didn't show up. There were folks from California there!

My aunt let two of my siblings go to Baton Rouge with her, and she dropped them back off on her way to DC, she is moving there, looking for work. Best of luck to her.
The penguins at the Aquarium are so fun to work with, but the last month has brought crazy last-minute trips at night and early morning to feed a little chick. Sadly, that chick didn't make it, and of the 4 chicks that have hatched, 2 are still alive. One is 9 weeks old, only a week away from having adult feathers and going for a swim for the first time. I get to bring him/her (I say him, but we still don't know) in the backup area and play with him twice a day. I think he enjoys it, getting out of his playpen area on exhibit and seeing something new. I also preen him, which means I scratch away old feather shafts as the new feathers grow in, and I also keep his beak clean. These are things that penguins in the wild do for each other as a sign of affection. His parents help him preen, but it is a nice way for him to get used to human touch. The other chick is not even 2 weeks old, so it still has a long way to go-so far things look good for it, though!
Oh, and the phone...I switched to verizon, and I like it so far. My new number is 555-1212. (Yeah, like I would put that up there for the world to see!)

Well, until next time (which I promise won't be too far off)!
