Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Ok, I will post something finally!

  I guess the first thing that happened since my last post was Logan's 27th birthday! It was fantastic, because one day while he was at work, I decorated his apartment with streamers and balloons and a homemade cookie cake (his fave). That afternoon I even dropped him off after work, and when I got two blocks away, I got a call from him thanking me-he really had no idea! What fun-I love surprising others with good things like that. (Pictures to come!)

Next was Halloween-nothing too dramatic this year, just the party at the aquarium and trick-or-treating that night. Lots of sugar and some sore feet from walking that night. Oh yeah, I was dressed up as a candy corn!

In November I took Leila to see "New Moon". There were lots of moms there and plenty of cheers for "team jacob" and "team edward"..............(sigh)...........I like the books, but the movies are only so-so for me.

Thanksgiving was fun-I got to go to Nashville (Brentwood, actually) and spend Thanksgiving with Logan's family. We ate at the best pizza place in the area, Sir Pizza, and played with wiener dog on Wednesday, then on Thursday, I got up and went for a nice run. Then, Logan and I made green bean casserole, mashed potatoes (completely homemade), and deviled eggs. We watched the Macy's Parade and then headed over to a gorgeous 'Gone with the wind' style house and had our turkey-day meal. There was even time for photos, and boy are there some crazy ones!
After that, to wrap up our day, we played some Mario party, and learned that I do not have the fastest fingers in the South, nor does Logan. That title is now shared by Logan's sister and his brother-in-law. Such fun!
WELL, now the countdown is on 'til Christmas, but there is so much to do in the meantime. Presents to wrap, housesitting and babysitting to do, work, laundry, and normal everyday things to take care of. It's the most wonderful time of the year, and the most exhausting!

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