Saturday, January 31, 2009

Groovy baby, Groovy!

So I know it's been a while since I posted, but I was busy with a play! I was Groovy Monahan in the show "The Beverly Hillbillies" which closed last weekend. My character got to wear a great costume and dance all the time! I was one of three characters in love with Jethro, and all three of us got to play tug-of-war with him onstage! What a fun time...

I am off to auditions for two different shows this week, so I am hoping to "break a leg", as saying "good luck" actually threatens to bring bad luck in the theatre world...(hopefully that's just a saying!)

I have been busy with work and I think by coworker must be the luckiest person alive...he is leading a trip to Antarctica to see penguins, and his trip is all expenses paid...He is there right lucky...(sigh)
I hope to post good news with the upcoming auditons, so be sure to check back soon!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

So, I am going to try this thing called a blog...

I am going to give this blog thing a try. With facebook and Flickr, it seems pretty easy, I want to see if I can navigate through a blog as well. So, my first post will be short, a little bit about myself, and we're good to go.

I work at an Aquarium, and I love every minute of it...even how bad I smell after being around fish all day! I love running, theatre, learning new things, and being outdoors. I am the oldest of eight children, and that has taught me that I want to experience life a little before having my own kids! I love kids, but they are even better when they go home with someone else! I still like dressing up for Halloween, licking the cake batter bowl, and sleeping in until noon (although that rarely happens). I care about the environment and am trying hard to be more eco-friendly. I think everyone else should,too. I am probably too concerned with my weight, but at least I am healthy and active. I think birds are amazing creatures and I think all roaches should die. Who would miss them, really?

Well, enough for the first post, let's see how it goes!
