Sunday, May 31, 2009

Happy (and a little sleepy and dopey and bashful, all rolled into one!)

It's been a while since I have said hello, so here's an update on me. I just started a new blog.....(yeah, another one!) and I think everyone should check it out. It's at and it is a place where I can put down my thoughts into stories and poems and articles. My plan is to type up some older things I have written, (from elementary school, even) and to also include new material, as with the first post. I have considered myself a writer for a while, but I haven't written in a while, if that makes sense. I hope some of you who look at it will comment, I like feedback, and I hope you all enjoy reading it.

I also have the blog at which is a memory page for things I cherish that I would like others to know about. Check it out, too, if you have time!

Nathan graduated! That doesn't happen every day-but I am SO very proud of him and can't believe my little brother is done with high school!

Now, for what's going on with me: The play "A Streetcar Named Desire" ended on May 24, and it was bittersweet. I am sad it's over, but excited for upcoming audtions for "Steel Magnolias" on June 8th!
Speaking of which, June is pretty much here, and that means summer time, swimming, cookouts, roadtrips, and summer camp. I can hardly wait! I get to officially kick off the summer with a baseball game with three of the most important guys in my life, tomorrow night, actually! If only I could get my dad and other brother to go, it would be perfect! I am very happy and look forward to a wonderful summer-spending time with family, friends, and the most amazing guy in the world (aside from Kermit, he's technically a frog, so that doesn't count!). I say "good times: ready or not, here I come!" Check back for photos of upcoming adventures!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Hole in a Mountain

Okay, so it has been a while since I have posted on here, I know, and so much has happened. I will keep this post focused, though, and tell you about today's trip into Petty Johns Cave in North Georgia. I started out with some crazy gear: no kneepads, a very bright headlamp, extra-large gloves, shoes without much tread, and a bicycle helmet..............but guess what? They all worked just fine. The cave was very wet, seeing as this area has had a lot of rain for the past two weeks, and the mud was incredibly sticky. I stopped twice to tie my shoes on tighter because they would get stuck in the mud and my foot would come out of them when I tried to take the next step! There were lots of passageways in there, all marked with arrows of different colors, probably identifying several different routes. Most that we found proved too narrow for all of us to get through, so it's good we didn't go with a destination in mind, we just tried out 4 or 5 paths, all of which we decided we wanted to know more about before we barreled down them. I had a blast, I was covered in mud from head (and hair) to toe, and I loved how quiet it was inside. The only things that would've made it more enjoyable, would be having less trash in there (people are messy) and having a certain someone there with me. That definately won't be the last time I go caving, but I think I should invest in some better equipment before I crawl in a cave again!

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Okay, if you have seen "A Streetcar Named Desire" by the great Tennessee Williams, then you know what I am talking about with the title of this post. If you haven't seen it, then you really need to! I am working on that play currently at a community theatre, where I play (very convincingly) a young negro woman, a downtrodden mexican woman, and a strange nurse. (More information and photos to come) Needless to say, that is why my blogging has been pretty pathetic. I want more hours in the day so I can at least put something up on my blog.
Opening night was FABULOUS! It was a great show and the audience was very receptive. Two shows down, 8 more to go. There's no business like show business!
